Happy reading

Kate Koenig Kate Koenig

What They Don't Tell You

That someone will notice what feels
like invisible tattoos on your face,
your wholly holy flesh, stolen for sacrifice,
and they will want to taste your suffering too.

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Thomas Kneeland Thomas Kneeland

Views from eternity

Those of us who make it
to the mountaintop—where there is peace
and rest—witness the gift of immortality

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Glen Armstrong Glen Armstrong

Picture Day

There are pictures in magazines that I
am still the wrong age to look at. There are
pictures of me that will never be good
enough for frames, passports, or milk cartons.

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Allie Dixon Allie Dixon

when i read the headline, i knew i was flesh

We make believe justice is possible when we’ve never seen justice because for this, for us, for sexual pieces of flesh who should know better, do better, the ones scolded to be better, there is no justice. It doesn’t exist. 

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Shay Galloway Shay Galloway

a manifesto on anger

To this I remind everyone that anger can be a fiery motivator for change. From Anger came our country, from Anger came women’s rights. Anger leads us to protect and advocate for those we love, for those who have less.

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Angela Firman Angela Firman

(negative) message received

We are surrounded by images of what society determines is the ideal. We scroll through images  of toned bodies and smooth skin, tidy kitchens, and coordinating pillows on expensive sectionals.  Is it any wonder I talk to myself so rudely?

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Anneysa Gaille Anneysa Gaille

Tell me how

Sickened when too soon signs
Do no more than pass on the regards

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Mercury-Marvin Sunderland Mercury-Marvin Sunderland

Trans Flag of Gatorade

in my room i have
a trans flag of gatorade.
picked out hastily
at the dollar store

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Anne Federoff Anne Federoff


We skittered all over the woods, doubling over in hysterics when we saw anyone. Their bodies appeared wavy and distorted, weird sounds escaped from their too big mouths. We’d run from them screaming in glee. We must’ve looked nuts.

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Adrienne Pine Adrienne Pine


After my mother’s death, I was left with a sense of emptiness. I found consolation in the family treasure trove of pictures. I loved looking at the images of my parents at the beginning of their marriage, when they were younger than I had ever known them, and their life together was a future promise.

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Sarah Johnson Sarah Johnson

Brain Waves

I have yet to understand the pain within me that is so latent and so amorphous. It does not scream like the pain that caused Toews’s family members to take to the tracks. It does not lead me to the pill bottles of my own that contain more than enough chemicals to kill me, but they sit on my kitchen table.

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Abigail Moma Abigail Moma

Growing Young

It is ironic how the closer to death we get, / the more we appreciate the life we have.

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Natasha Johnson Natasha Johnson


I’d always return to the mirror / to paint inside the frame /with brushes I did not own.

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Amélie Pollak Amélie Pollak

Picket Fence

I surrendered many times / and painted lullabies / across the walls / to lure myself into slumber

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Danelle Callahan Danelle Callahan


My volume is turned down, but the / critical voices inside I still hear, My volume is real low, some days I can hardly leave my bed.

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Christopher Mari Christopher Mari

The Way We Read Today

We perceive the world spatially and often recall things based on their location. The reason why you remember that the passage you’re looking for is on the bottom left-hand corner of a page is the same reason why you always know to turn right at the red house on the corner.

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Melissa Mark Melissa Mark

My Mother’s Eyes

She was not that person, but she was trying. Smiles and laughter came more easily to her, softening her hard lines and creating fine ones around her eyes.

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Desiree Abalos Desiree Abalos

Things To Know When Living With White Roommates

Your roommate thinks it’s funny to say, “I brought the Mexican!” when you guys arrive. You’ll laugh and roll your eyes, tell yourself it isn’t a big deal. Then they’ll start making “Build the Wall” cracks when you beat them at cards.

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