Happy reading

Lauren Hobson Lauren Hobson

Evermore House

It was a period of my life I think back on as dark gray, a time of sustained unhappiness. I didn’t like commuting. I didn’t like my job. I looked for a stained glass woman at a stop light. 

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Katrina Kaye Katrina Kaye

Not Forgotten

I am a year older than you ever reached, but the word mother remains a foreign language tangled in my throat.

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Julie Song Julie Song


It’s been four months and counting. Why is Dad holding on? Is he waiting for me to say the words I never could? Somewhere under that gruff exterior, does he believe there is unfinished business between us? 

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Monica Viera Monica Viera

Gambles WIthin Gambles

Sure, I felt a tinge of guilt spending all my money gambling, but what could I do? John and I were stuck in this neon prison that we had become accustomed to. All other lights in life paled in comparison. 

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Maeve O'Connor Maeve O'Connor

The War

I am the gun and the person holding the gun and the person being shot and the ground under them that will have to catch the body.

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Lindsay Benster Lindsay Benster

16 And Not Pregnant

The best part of learning you’re incapable of conceiving when you’re 11 is that you’re 11  and not being able to birth a slightly smaller version of yourself seems like a substantial victory.

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Jobert Abueva Jobert Abueva

How To Forgo A Best Friend

It’s the supposed golden age to forge friendships that later in life you will count on your hand. But your mojo is to hang with a crowd, have forbidden crushes on a few, and keep to yourself.   

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Alexander Russell Alexander Russell

Looking For Blood in East L.A.

They’re getting rid of all the benches and roofed-over bus stops and everything else designed for people to enjoy without having to break their own hands for it

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Mark Rosati Mark Rosati


The notes vibrated from her heart to ours, individual and collective, breathing and humming along as one. Framed in soft light and soaring from note to note, she infused us with sounds and memories, taking us back to a coffeehouse or church basement years ago when love was young, hope eternal, the future limitless. 

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Rich Glinnen Rich Glinnen


They’re all polite when they ask ,“What brings you here? ”As if I haven’t been visiting my entire life.

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Sara Pompeo Sara Pompeo

The Way That Love Works

I thought Mommy would give me love if I was the best daughter, the way my teachers gave me gold stars for being the best student. I was wrong. Love isn’t a reward. It is not something that you earn, win or achieve–it just is.

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Abbie Doll Abbie Doll

A Psychotic World

the nurses dished out paper cups of unlabeled pills the doctors handed us our diagnoses and if you questioned anything at all, they’d dish out punishments

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Jessie Walker Jessie Walker

A Letter To Ted Lasso

I started swimming because it was the one thing that eased my anxiety as a kid. Existing in and moving my body through water was the only thing in life that felt effortless. The pool was my sanctuary, the place that took my anxious stomach aches away and returned me to my parents a different child.

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Meghan Nelligan Meghan Nelligan


I do not want to talk about fake news or making you great again. I want to talk about the immigrants with burning skin and an aching desire for the American dream that you drown in tears of gas.

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Rachel Epstein Rachel Epstein

Brain Freezes in Red Leather Booths

She could soak overnight, and he’d still be there, clinging to her. She is a dirty, broken, sad, incurable sight. A dirty broken, sad, incurable thing.

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Jessica Valdez Jessica Valdez


There was a little girl with drugs in her pocket, / and sex in her knowledge, with addiction in her heart / living with no rest or solace.

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K.T. Reid K.T. Reid

A Golden Shovel for Langston

You had dreams / of sticky hot summer days that were cool sprayed until the fire hydrants die, / while brisk winter nights were warmed by radiators stuck on walls like flies.

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Lisa Braxton Lisa Braxton

Soothing A Broken Heart

Each week, Mom wrote a scene about her childhood, many of the stories she had told me and some I hadn’t heard before. After the course had ended, she printed copies of her work and proudly showed them to my sister and me. Then she tucked the writing away.

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